感恩节快乐!Happy Thanksgiving!


今天是感恩节 (gǎn’ēn jié)。 Today is Thanksgiving Day! I have so much in my life to be thankful for and would like to share a few things for which I am grateful through The Daily China (and teach you all some new Chinese vocabulary in the process!).1113872463-happy-thanksgiving-turkey-clipart-2

(1) I am so grateful for everything my family has done for me. = 我很感激家人为我做的一切。(wǒ hěn gǎnjī jiārén wéi wǒ zuò de yīqiè)k6343300

(2) I am very fortunate to have good health. = 我很庆幸有个健康的身体。(wǒ hěn qìngxìng yǒu gè jiànkāng de shēntǐ)bigstock-sport-couple-of-athletes-succe-50307215

(3) I am thankful for the good education I receive under wonderful teachers. = 我非常感谢在老师的指导下接受良好的教育。(wǒ fēicháng gǎnxiè zài lǎoshī de zhǐdǎo xià jiēshòu liánghǎo de jiàoyù.)education_careers

(4) I am very grateful for the support of The Daily China’s followers! = 我很感激 The Daily China 读者的支持! (wǒ hěn gǎnjī The Daily China dúzhě de zhīchí.)Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 4.01.28 PM

Comment below what you are grateful for, and I hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving! 🙂

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  1. 茱蒂


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