An Exchange Between Two New Friends

Our recent journey to Beijing and Xi’an was an extraordinary encounter with ancient history, an exploration of the exquisite terrain and architecture and a celebration of the Chinese culture. Perhaps the greatest reward of our trip was a harvesting of friendship. On our final evening in Xi’an, I had wonderful discourse with my host student, 李皓宇(Li Haoyu) discussing our common thread as students and teenagers. It was a exchange beyond borders: just between two new friends.













There are 26 comments

  1. Eric wang

    That’s a great article and shows great friendship between two international students from two completely different countries and also showed that the experience that you experienced in China was so fun!

  2. Joanna

    It was such a pleasure to read this story of your friendship. I’m so happy you enjoyed your trip, and hope you keep in touch with your student.

  3. Ashley Silverstein

    It is so amazing how you can have such a close relationship with someone who lives across the world. I am so happy you met great friends in China and had a wonderful experience there!

  4. Enamul Ahsan

    Wonderful, well written article. I love thus use of syntax in order to advance your ideas and thoughts. And it is truly excellent to hear about this cross-cultural exchange of sentiments and words.

  5. Maya Yu

    Wow! It’s so cool that you had the amazing experience of meeting a new person from a foreign country! I hope you made wonderful memories.

  6. Brian L.

    I love that you had a amazing time in China. An international friendship is truly a great thing to have! Great article.

  7. Amy Sheen

    The friendship that was made is very lovely, I hope you two can continue to be friends and stay in touch.

  8. Nicholas Yum

    Meeting new people is always great, but meeting someone from another culture can change your view of the world! Great job Matthew!

  9. Boshu

    Cool! You made a Chinese friends! I ‘m so happy both of you had a good conversation and learnt something intersting!

  10. Dylan Swickle

    What an amazing article Matthew! I had an amazing experience with you, and enjoyed all the experiences we made together. I had such an amazing time indulging in all the new experiences we made and all the jokes we made, such as tank u, and I’m gonna shut it down! I am so happy that you produced such an amazing relationship with your exchange student, that I hope you will have for a long time to come!

  11. Stephanie Cen

    I really enjoyed your article about the connection between you and your new friend. It was so cool to see the actual conversation you had with your student. I hope we can give the exchange students that are coming to America an amazing experience just as the students in Xian have done for us.

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