Chinese Martial Arts: Tai Chi 太极!

Hi everyone! Today’s post is focused on a type of Chinese martial arts, 太极tàijí. The popularity of this exercise as a form of rehabilitation and longevity is quickly rising. On an international level, Tai Chi has been revered as an exercise that can prevent children’s asthma, prevent Parkinson’s, cure arthritics, and heal pains. Tai Chi can be traced back thousands of years to the beginning of China’s history. The theories of Tai Chi correspond with Confucian and Taoist philosophical principles. This form of exercise consists of mainly slow and steady movements that control movement, breathing, and self-awareness.

I am currently enrolled in a Tai Chi class in my high school. As a student, I find the concepts of this defense training particularly interesting because the forms that the students learn are applied in an exercise called “push hands” 推手tuī shǒu. This training involves the participation of two people. The purpose of this exercise is to improve one’s coordination, timing, strength, and reflexes.

Below are a couple videos by my Tai Chi teacher, Mr. Pekor. These videos include examples of the forms of Tai Chi as well as push hands.




I hope everyone enjoyed reading and stay tuned for more to come!

There are 5 comments

  1. Melani

    I was just reading in the mzangiae, taste for life , March 2013 and article of interest to tai chi practitioners. The article on page 46, states, A healthy diet and plenty of exercise go hand in hand in helping to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and related cognitive decline as we age. If you’re looking for a good exercise option, consider tai chi. Researchers found increases in brain volume and improvements on test of memory and thinking in older adults who practiced tai ch three times a week. Studies have shown that dementia and the gradual cognitive decline that precedes it are linked to shrinkage of the brain as nerve cells and their connections are lost. Speaking from personal experience and as a senior citizen, tai chi has improved my quality of life.

  2. 2B Emily 康丹惠

    I like this post because I am in to martial arts and tai chi is a kind of martial art that I’m not familiar with. It’s fun to learn about things you aren’t familiar with.

  3. Joanna Grafas 高文哪

    Similar to what Emily said, I’m very interested in martial arts, as I’ve been doing it for much of my life, and its 很好 to learn about different versions of it. I’ll definitely be checking out the taichi class next year!

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