Chinese Poems by Li Bai

Li Bai (aka Li Bo) was born in 701 AD in a small city in China called Jiangyou and died at age 61 AD in Dangtu, China. As a child, he was very smart, talented, and many people considered him a genius. He wrote very often throughout his life, many times from different perspectives. Most of his poems are known for his clear imagery and conversational tone. Additionally, he was known as one of the most famous poets during the Tang Dynasty. The following are three Chinese poems written by Li Bai.

1.《望天门山》《wàng tiān mén shān》作者:李白
天门中断楚江开,   tiān mén zhōng duàn chǔ jiāng kāi, 
碧水东流至此回。   bì shuǐ dōng liú zhì cǐ huí.
碧水东流至此回。   bì shuǐ dōng liú zhì cǐ huí.
两岸青山相对出,   liǎng àn qīng shān xiāng duì chū,
孤帆一片日边来。   gū fān yī piàn rì biān lái.

English Translation (英文翻译):

View of Tianmen Mountain:
Mountain Skygate is rammed open and cut through by River Chu,
Clearwater waves roll east then eddy here.
Verdant mountains unfold themselves slowly, at my left and right,
As my solitary sail drifting afar from where the sun rises.
2.《静夜思》《jìng yè sī》作者:李白
床前明月光,   chuáng qián míng yuè guāng,
疑是地上霜。   yí shì dì shàng shuāng.
举头望明月,   jŭ tóu wàng míng yuè,
低头思故乡。   dī tóu sī gù xiāng.

English Translation (英文翻译):

Quiet Night Thoughts:
Bright moonlight before my bed;
I suppose it is frost on the ground.
I raise my head to view the bright moon,
then lower it, thinking of my home village.
3.《春思》《chūn sī》作者:李白
燕草如碧丝,   yàn cǎo rú bì sī,
秦桑低绿枝。   qín sāng dī lǜ zhī.
当君怀归日,   dāng jūn huái guī rì,
是妾断肠时。   shì qiè duàn cháng shí.
春风不相识,   chūn fēng bú xiàng shí,
何事入罗帏。   hé shì rù luó wéi.

English Translation (英文翻译):

Spring Thoughts:
The Yan’s grass is like jaded silk.
The Qin’s green mulberry branches hang low.
The day the husband thinks of returning home,
Will be when his wife is heartbroken.
The spring breeze is but a stranger,
[So] why does it enter the bed curtains?


There are 7 comments

  1. Tyler

    I like how they talk about how he was born and when he died. I also like how they talk about how smart he is and how good he was at making poems. I like how they show the poems that he made. I like when they were talking about what time it takes place in the Tang Dynasty. I also like how they show a image of what he looks like. i like how his poems are like 5 lines because it is easy to read more Chinese.

  2. Jillian Davis

    Great article! I’m fairly interested in poetry, but I haven’t read any work from Chinese poets. I love the way he uses similes and metaphors to make beautiful descriptions of nature. Quiet Night Thoughts has to be my favorite. I like the sweetness and sentimentality it conveys. I will definitely consider Li Bai the next time I want to read a good poem!

  3. Jay Pierre

    This article was particularly interesting to me. 静夜思 is a fairly nostalgic poem for me; my friends and I all enjoyed reading it years back. Because of that connection, I’ve been interested in Chinese poetry, and these poems served as the perfect gateway.

  4. Paul Morran

    I know no Chinese – I have to guess at the poet’s intent from the context. Is it not likely that he is contrasting the mild nights down south with the colder climates he grew up with? My attempt at English versification would be –


    This pool of pale moonlight that’s by my bed
    Reminds me of a patch of silver frost.
    My gaze lifts to the bright moon overhead
    And sinks, mourning the homeland I have lost.

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