Chinese Zodiac Signs (Part II)

In Chinese culture, there are twelve zodiac symbols that correlate with the year you were born. Based on astrology, these symbols can affect your personality and future. Today, we will be discussing four of the zodiac signs: Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.


Those who are born under the Year of the Monkey (1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016) are enthusiastic, self-assuring, positive, clever, and intelligent. They are innovative and quick when it comes to problem solving. However, they can seen as deceptive, arrogant, and selfish.


People born under the Year of the Rooster (1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017) possess many positive qualities. They are ambitious, bright, warm-hearted, and typically do not rely on others. On the other hand, their eagerness causes them to be impatient and selfish.


Those born under the Year of the Dog (1970, 1982, 1994, 2006) are responsible, lively, eccentric, and loyal. They will do anything for the ones that they cherish the most. However, they are typically stubborn and emotional. They tend to get frustrated and angered quickly.


People born under the Year of the Pig (1971, 1983, 1995, 2007) are gentle, honest, and optimistic. They typically see the good in people and are always trying to better themselves. However, their optimistic view on life makes them naive and gullible. Sometimes, they will act lazy and are not easily motivated.

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There are 3 comments

  1. Kelly Wang

    It’s so interesting how both western and eastern culture developed zodiacs, but also how different they are.

  2. Wesley Pergament

    I always knew there were twelve zodiac symbols, but I never knew what they meant. Thank you for sharing this!

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