Exotic Chinese Fruits!

Growing up in a Chinese family, when I visit my local Chinese supermarkets, I usually notice fruits that may be exotic to many of us. The fruits aren’t what you typically see or eat. These fruits are exotic for many people here in America, but they are common in Asia. Some of these fruits are considered a delicacy to some of the Chinese folks, like they are for my parents. Before passing up on these fruits, maybe you should try some yourself! Many of these fruits taste amazing and maybe, they will end up as a staple in your diet.

榴莲 (Liúlián)

Also known as the durian, this fruit is renown for its nice taste and its pungent smell. To some Chinese, it has a delightful and rich taste. Durian isn’t too sweet and has a nice texture. However, the smell may be described as “rotting meat” by many. If you ever do find yourself eating this, try to avoid eating a lot because it isn’t good for you in large amounts.

荔枝 (Lìzhī)

Also known as lychee, it is described as a small fruit surrounded by a light red, spiky shell. Once you peel off the shell, you can see the luscious white meat that it contains. However, don’t swallow the entire thing because it contains a big brown seed in its center. The lychee can be described as a really sweet fruit with a little dash of bitter and sour. Although you may have never seen this fruit before, it may be a topping or a flavor in some food shops.

龙眼 (Lóngyǎn)

Also known as longan, this fruit is similar in size to a lychee but may be a little smaller. It has a brown rough shell on the outside, but once you open it up, it leads to whitish-colored meat that is really sweet. Like the lychee, you shouldn’t swallow the entire thing because it has a seed. This fruit can be translated to the “dragon eye.”

金橘 (Jīnjú)

Also known as the kumquat, this fruit is described to have a shape of a grape but the looks of an orange. Like the orange, it has an orange peel outside. However, unlike the orange, you don’t need to peel the skin before eating the fruit inside; you can eat kumquats whole! Kumquats are described to have a combination of sweet, sour, and bitter taste.